joi, 24 noiembrie 2011

First IPL session

Daca inca nu ati aflat de Slimart acum este momentul. Am cumparat acum vreo saptamana doua vouchere de pe site-ul lor pentru 70% reducere (doua sedinta de epilare ipl) la pretul de 14 euro, gandidu-ma ca unul il folosesc pentru zona inghinala, iar celalalt poate pentru gambe. Ajunsa acolo astazi, am aflat ca reducerea se poate aplica si la un abonament de mai multe sedinte asa ca, desi sunt cam pe minus cu banii, am achizitionat un abonament de 10 sedinte inghinal cu reducere de 70%, adica 255 de euro de la 850 cu plata in doua rate. Yay first and sniff after cause i'm broke now.

Prima sedinta a decurs foarte bine. Desi nu am fost extrem de incantata de zona receptiei, doamna doctor dermatolog care m-a asistat a fost foarte draguta. Mi-a explicat tot ce ar trebui sa stiu despre sedinta in sine si  efectele ulterioare si a fost extrem de atenta pe toata durata sedintei. Thumbs up for her!

Asa cum cred ca stiti deja, operatiunea in sine nu e extrem de dureroasa. Pentru mine cel putin nu a fost, doar cateva momente de disconfort local mediu care a disparut in cateva minute. Zona nu s-a inrosit deloc in cazul meu chiar daca sunt alba ca zapada si ma ard foarte usor.

Urmatoarea sedinta a fost programata peste o luna si rezultatele celei de astazi ar trebui sa se vada cam in doua saptamani. I keep you posted.

duminică, 20 noiembrie 2011

Monoi oil

One of the things i'm using now and i absolutely adore is the new discovered Monoi oil. According to Wikipedia, Monoi oil is infused oil made from soaking the petals of Tahitian gardenias (tiare) in a semi-wax coconut oil. Monoi (pronounced Mah-noy) is an ancient Tahitian word meaning "scented oil" in the Reo-Maohi language. Monoi is widely used among French Polynesians as a skin and hair softener. It is also popular in Europe and gaining recognition in the United States.

The date when monoi was first created is unknown; however, its origins can be traced back 2000 years to the Maori tribe, the indigenous Polynesian people of Aotearoa (New Zealand). Early European explorers who travelled to the Polynesian Islands, including James Cook documented the natives’ use of manoi for medicinal, cosmetic and religious purposes. Monoi featured prominently in the lives of these ancient people, from birth until death. It was applied to the bodies of newborns to keep them from dehydrating in hot weather, and from getting chilled in cooler temperatures. When a person died, their body was embalmed and perfumed with manoi to help facilitate their journey into the afterlife.

Monoi was also used in ancient Polynesian religious rites. During ceremonies which took place in the "maraes" (temples), Maori priests used manoi to anoint sacred objects and purify offerings to their deities.

Maori navigators used manoi to protect their bodies from cold, harsh winds and salt water during long canoe expeditions at sea. (Even today, many divers rub monoi all over their bodies prior to diving for the same purpose.)

In 1942, monoi began to be manufactured commercially.

 I have bought mine a couple of weeks ago and i'm so in love with the amazing flowery scent and the great sensation of a happy skin in the morning. I have tested two brands so far: Reverto and Mayam but i can say i like Reverto better as it is obvious that the base is of pure coconut oil (it solidifies in the bottle at lower temperatures and has a milky color while Mayam looks like plain oil). I would have loved a bottle with a nice dispenser as i tend to cover the entire bottle in oil when i apply..hihi, but oh well i can live with what i have and still enjoy this miracle.

As with all body oils, it's better to use it after the shower/bath before sleep as it will take a while for the skin to absorb it. Will i buy it again? Definitively!

sâmbătă, 19 noiembrie 2011

Mini Blog sale

Benefit Some Kind-A Gorgeous Medium - 50 Ron

(Folosit de doua ori. Chiar daca pare mai inchis la culoare se adapteaza perfect unui ten deschis spre mediu) 

Urban Decay Surreal Skin Liquid Makeup Illusion - 40 Ron
(Folosit de doua ori)

MAC Studio Fix Powder foundation NC30 - 65 Ron - REZERVAT
(folosit o singura data)

sâmbătă, 12 noiembrie 2011

MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural

I made myself a MAC present on my birthday and this MAC powder was one of the yummy things i got. Along the way, i have been disappointed and amazed by MAC products so i think is one of the brands you hate and love in the same time. This powder is the product i would buy again, but of course from one of the discount sites i love :).

Starting with the outside i really love the package, the compact and minimal aspect. And also, looking at the product itself, i do have a passion for its baked texture, Moon like, with a bit of Morgana shimmery tone .

I generally don't use powder and foundation in the same time because i feel like my skin can't breathe anymore under the thick layer, but with this powder i never had this sensation. It has a too light coverage for my taste but i like that it applies without giving your look a powdery feeling. So i won't recommend using it alone if you have skin problems because won't be enough, but it's perfect for settling the foundation with a nice finish. It does not excel into stopping your face from looking like a sparkling Christmas globe, but it gives you a decent help for at least 4 hours.

marți, 8 noiembrie 2011

100% Pure organic dark chocolate mocha body cream

I've been thinking a lot of trying this brand but every time i ended up buying somethings else and  postponing this purchase. But last month i was in need of an organic hydrating body lotion so i thought it's the perfect time for this body cream. I have studied their website and my first choice was for a lavender body cream, but since it wasn't in stock, i went for the yummy dark chocolate.

What i can say after using almost half of the bottle is that i don't regret buying it. I love the recipient with the handy pump and the clean design.  
One of the main ingredients it's Cocoa butter, one if my favorites butters which gives a nice earthy chestnut perfume. It blends easily on the skin due to the liquid consistency but you will need to wait about 30 minutes for the lotion to be absorbed..nothing new for the users of natural products.  I generally use it after the night shower and in the morning the skin is nourished and smells like chocolate. Yummy.

One thing i noticed is that if you use it regularly on the entire body, you will finish the product in about a month, but if you don't mind spending 65 Ron every month, you don't have to worry about it. Also if you have really rough and dehydrated parts like elbows or legs during winter it won't solve the problem as expected and you will better go with some nourishing oil or raw Shea butter.

What i really appreciated was 100% Pure Cosmetics customer service. The package was delivered fast, i have received also a little surprise consisting in 4 samples of other two body creams and with my second order for products that were not in stock, a nice lady called me and informed me about the arrival dates. I will for sure order again in the future.

duminică, 6 noiembrie 2011

October choices

These are the products  i really used a lot in October. Reviews will come up shortly.

Anian Keratina Liquida, Mayam apa de trandafiri, 100% Pure Cosmetics Dark Chocolate Mocca body lotion, Mac Mineralize Skinfinish powder, Sigma brush F80, Mario Badescu Cellufirm drops, Burt's Bees citrus face scrub, Mayam Aloe Vera gel, Sleek Natural palette, Mac Studio Fix foundation

sâmbătă, 5 noiembrie 2011

Benefit Lana

I was really curious to try some Benefit products so i started with this nude pinkish lipstick called Lana. I don't remember exactly the price, but  got it from one of my make-up sources at a really decent price.

The lipstick is quite hydrating and it applies smoothly, but it has that shimmer which makes me think at cheap Ruby Rose lipstick and in my opinion it looks really cheap on the lips. The smell is soft and not disturbing so i give it a point. But it loses it because I personally don't like the taste

As a conclusion, i was really disappointed by it and i find incredible that you have to pay around 50 Ron for such a lipstick. I will definitively not buy again a Benefit one.

miercuri, 2 noiembrie 2011

Lush Big

I have been using this shampoo for quite a while and i can say i really fell in love with it. My hair is soft and lacks volume and on top of all these it gets oily pretty fast so i need to wash it almost every day. Because of this, i'm really interested in mild shampoos that can give a nice volume. When it comes to the first requirement, Big really does its job well. My hair almost regain its health and looks a lot better than before. When it comes to volume, Big is still doing a pretty job, but i have noticed that the volume does not last more than a day. To be honest, i think it's my hair's fault not the shampoo. Sniff.

Do you like the way your hair looks like after a bath in the sea? Well if you do like i do, then Big is the best choice for you as its primary ingredient is salt. What i also love is the nice salty fresh smell that makes your shower a joy. Yay!

When it comes to aspect, well..this is an unconventional shampoo: it looks like a weird jelly with pieces of hard salt inside and a small amount is great for making enough foam and clear your long hair. I usually apply it twice and the salt melts really fast on the wet hair, so no need to worry that you are going to end up with some salt you can't get off :).

The price is quite high (around 70 Ron) but i have it since July so you might consider buying it.