sâmbătă, 14 mai 2011

NYX soft matte lip cream

I love matte lipsticks so when i heard about the new NYX soft matte lip cream i knew i had to test it. So i ordered one which is Istanbul, a pretty pink doll like shade. 

Imi plac la nebunie rujurile mate iar atunci cand am auzit de NYX soft matte lip cream am stiut ca trebuia sa-l testez. Asa ca am comandar nuanta Istanbul, un roz frumos putin doll like.

Now i need to say that i find the packaging so adorable. It's small and pink and easy to carry with you everywhere.

Trebuie sa spun ca ambalajul este adorabil. Este mic si roz si usor de purtat dupa tine peste tot.

The actual product is like a cream and it smells so good you might be tempted to eat it :).  You do need to moisturize the lips before applying it cause otherwise the aspect will be a bit cakey. 

Produsul in sine are consistenta unei creme si miroase atat de frumos incat ai fi tentata sa-l mananci. Trebuie insa ca buzele sa fie hidratate inainte de aplicare pentru nu avea un aspect cakey.

And how it looks on my lips.

Si cum arata pe buzele mele.

4 comentarii:

  1. omg omg omg! stii cat imi doresc eu istanbul, si amsterdam, si abu dhabi? De unde de unde de unde?

  2. :) eu l-am luat de aici: http://cheaplboutique.blogspot.com/2011/03/nyx-soft-matte-lip-cream.html . Am asteptat cam o luna sa vina dar nu regret :)

  3. si mie imi plac tot astea mate si mai deschise la culoare..asta e un roz superb.. de unde l-ai luat?:)

  4. 8-> E superba nuanta:X
    Sa-l stapanesti sanatoasa:*
